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Israelite Teachings

Thumbnail of doctrinal teachings:

  1. The origin of life is Divine.
  2. From the lineage of David, family of Judah, children of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth is Messiah; firstborn of the elect, and bridegroom of the bride (144,000 of Israel).

    Jesus the Good Shepherd, By Benjamin Purnell

    The bride = Israel; the house/temple or body of David is Jesus, the bridegroom. Israelite House of David, Church of the New Eve, Body of Christ, 1903.
  3. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb of God, the atonement that secured all souls of mankind in taking away the sins of the world; which is the light to the gentile nations. (John 1:29; 1 John 1:1-2 2; Corinthians 5:14-15)
  4. Jesus is the glory of His people Israel, teaching the Law of the Spirit of Life, of which he was the living substance. (Romans 8:1-4; Hebrews 7:16) Made after the power of an endless life, he taught the Law that governed Eden, the observance and practice of which will free his Church from sin and death. (Romans 8:13+23+29).
  5. The immortal life of the physical body is the Promised land, the substance of the ministry of Jesus Christ, and the fulfillment of all the holy scriptures, upon which the Eden restoration will begin. (John 6:48-50+58; 8:51-52; Philippians 3:20-21)
  6. Mankind is made up of three component parts: Spirit, soul and body. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
  7. The wages of sin is the death to the body. The Spirit returns to God who gave it. The soul sleeps awaiting resurrection (all souls receive a resurrection according to works done in the flesh; 2 Corinthians 5:10). The body is eternally damned, cannot be raised again, and is the only portion that is subject to the damnation so written.
  8. There are two resurrections (Revelation 20:4-5) in which all souls are redeemed in their order (1 Corinthians 15:20-28). Philippians 2:10-11; 1 Timothy 2:4-6; 4:9-10; Psalms 68:18.
  9. Creation is given in cycles of 7 days of 1000 years each. 2 Peter 3:8. Ecclesiastes 3:15.
  10. Millenium is the 1000 years reign of Christ on earth (Revelation 20:2-3). It is the recreation of Eden to the earth and the True Sabbath day (Colossians 3:16-17).
  11. As in the days of Noah so should it be in the coming of the Son of Man. An Ark is prepared which is the spirit of Christ (Luke 17:20-21), and is the Passover for the bodies of his Church/bride/elect (Matthew 24:22), who will become the parents to the Eden age/Kingdom of God on earth.
  12. The Marriage of the Lamb is the substance in both event and practice of all the prophetic scriptures. In Spirit and Truth it is a separation from the world fashions and persuasions: Nazarites; nazir: to separate (2 Corinthians 6:16-18). Abstinence and celibacy are necessary for the purification of the body to become the temple of the Holy Ghost (Galatians 5:16-26; 1 Corinthians 6:13-20;1 Thessalonians 4:1-5; 1 Peter 2:11-12; Matthew 19:12; Revelation 14:1-5).
  13. Crucifixion / Separation / Abstinence / Overcoming:

    Through teachings that point out the subtleties and strong holds of the carnal natures of the mind and flesh and daily experiences that confirm reality of the teachings, we learn to part with those thoughts and motions that keep us from visitations and the anointing of the Holy Ghost/Spirit of Truth. (2Peter 1:3-11; 1 John 2:24-27).
  14. Election/select or chosen people should not ever be misconstrued with arrogance, exaltation, prejudice or favoritism. (Matthew 23:10-11; 18:1-5; Mark 10:42-45; Luke 12:48). For where little is given, little is required; where much is given, much is required; where the most is given the most is required. The path and requirements so appointed for the elect is that which the world really would rather not. And as heaven is the most serious of joys, so the calling for the bride is one of consistent commitments and responsibilities that this present world cannot nor would not want to endure nor seek to obtain. And among the many called, few are chosen, as the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.

Numerous are the scriptures that teach the gathering together in the latter day of the remnants of the Children of Israel, out of which will be taken the elect/bride of Christ; who are called and chosen priests and kings of the restoration of the Eden Kingdom of God on earth.

Now, therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people; for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an Holy Nation, theses are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. Exodus 19:5 and 6.

My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Exodus 33:14.

For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? Is it not that thou goest with us? So shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth. Exodus 33:16.

Paul said, in first Thessalonians (5:23), and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Moses exhorted the children of Israel in the Exodus, (Deuteronomy 30:19 and 20): I call Heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: that thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey His voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him: for He is thy life.

John was given the revelation, and I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, behold the Tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

The Second Coming of Christ for: the restoration of Eden to the earth, is the Sabbathday, the millennial reign of Christ on earth.


BIBLE: Our primary textbook is the authorized, King James translation, 1611, which contains the Apocrypha. We also use as Divine materials, The Book of Jasher (an ancient Hebrew text record) Joshua 10:13; and The Book of Enoch, a book quoted in the Bible in several instances, a text familiar with the ancient Essenes  (portions of it found with the Dead Sea Scrolls) and Nazarites; a book carried over in the ark with Noah and handed down the lineage of the children of Israel and later lost for centuries. Found by an expedition led by Stanhope Bruce, a Bishop of the Church of England and a follower of Joanna Southcott and has been restored back to the Israelite people since Joanna's time.

ELECT:  We believe that Israel are a select people on earth (Exodus 19:5 and 6; Exodus 33:16; Romans 9:3-5. Revelation 7:4-8) by reason of a fore ordination and predestination (Romans 8:29; Matthew 25:34). And from the innumerable multitudes of the family of Israel, a remnant (the elect/bride) shall be saved in a physical redemption.

INGATHERING:  The seed of eleven tribes has been scattered and has lost its identity throughout the nations until the latter day, upon which they shall be again gathered into one location to receive and be witnesses of the Second Coming. 1 Thess. 2:1; Matthew 24:30-31; Isaiah 43:5-7; Jeremiah 31:7-10; Zephaniah 3:16-20; Deuteronomy 30: 1-6.

COMMUNAL ORDER/CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Book of the Acts of the Apostles 2:1 and 42-47; 4:31-37. The Holy Ghost is the administrator of the Church and calls upon us to live in a commonwealth practice on a daily basis, as did the First Church at Jerusalem. It is faith established by works: a living proof of practical Christian behavior. It is a necessary daily discipline that gives ample opportunities for overcoming selfish greeds and lusts (10th commandment) that is only acceptable in the Kingdom of God.

VEGETARIANS: By reason of the fact that it was the diet of Eden before the transgression, Genesis 1-29-31; and it is to be the diet upon earth for the 1000 year Sabbath Day of Christ's reign on earth, Isaiah 11-6-9; Revelation 21: 4; 20:2 and 3.  Death came into the world through sin.

BAPTISM: This comes from the Old Testament, and was used in the Essene communities, from which John, the Baptist was said to have come. Confession takes the place of water baptism for Israel; it is true repentance at heart that is the efficacy of this visible work. There are two baptisms as a choice of a representation, or the reality in substance:

  • John 1; 29-34; Hebrews 6:1-2; 1 Corinth. 1:17; Ephesians 4:5. The baptism of water was for the world as a sign of their repentance to receive the first resurrection. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is for the Elect, and administered by the Lord Jesus Christ; it is the fire of the Holy Ghost which destroys the evil nature, (the power and persuasion to sin) and gives a new life (regeneration) to the physical body; Philippians 3:20-21; Colossians 1:26-27; Romans 8:1-14.

RESURRECTION:   The Resurrection is secured for ALL by the atonement of Jesus Christ: 1 John 1:1-2; John 1:29; Matthew 12: 31; John 17:12.

There are 2 resurrections: Revelation 20:4-6; finally the son of perdition alone is lost, which evil was created to prove the existence of God, that His love is source of our very life. 2 Corinth. 5: 18-20; 1 Timothy 2: 3-6; and 4:9-10; 1 Corinth. 15:26-28.

SABBATH: The Sabbath is the Law of the Spirit of Life, which governs the 1000-year reign of Christ on earth. A Sabbath Day, not days in the "fallen" world time; (2 Peter 3:8; Revelation 20:2; Colossians 2:16-17; Galatians 4:9-11) keeping every day alike: holiness unto God. A weekly Sabbath observance is only in part, and not the perfect substance. Keeping each day to his honor and glory, would be fulfilling the type as well.

PRAYER: Prayer is of the heart exclusively and not to be displayed before men, the substance is given in Matthew 5:5-13. John Wroe was given that the closet is the heart and the door the mouth. The substance is a daily observance, 1 Thess. 5:17. God already knows what you need before you ask. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Is that not heaven on earth? Prayers within the Will of God, alone, are effectual.

PREDESTINATION: Predestination is fact of the omnipotent wisdom of God who is the all knowing and all seeing. Romans 8:30; Matthew 25:34; Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:20; Hebrews 4:3; Revelation 13:8; Titus 1:1-2.  Predetermination is based on the teaching that all took a stand in the War in Heaven, Revelation, Chapter 12, and accordingly is your assignment upon earth (what was sown in heaven shall be reaped in the earth; upon which a Promise could be prophetically given) with the end purpose of demonstrating God's will in the creation and that his eternal love, called LIFE, all will come to enjoy. It takes darkness to prove what is light. It takes hell to establish heaven. It takes Lucifer to make manifest the Son of God for all of His Creation. The fall was foreordained so there could be a restoration with knowledge and appreciation.

TRINITY: The Trinity is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, individually yet inseparable.

The Holy Ghost is the Mother in Creation: Genesis 1:26; God said, let US (plural) make man in OUR image and after OUR likeness. Not easy to have a son without a Mother; much easier to have a virgin birth without a father.

The Holy Ghost is the final Testament at the latter day: Father's Book is the Old Testament; Son's Book is the New Testament; Mother's Book is the Revelation. She is given power of birth to the Sons of God, which Baptism restores an eternal life to the body; that which Adam fell from.

Jesus was made after the power of an endless life by reason of Matthew 1:20 (see Hebrews 7:15-16). The Holy Ghost/Mother is called Jerusalem Above (Galatians 4:26), and the Holy City (Revelation 21). The divine order is male and female (Elohim) throughout all of creation. Thus the Seventh Messenger is both male and female; 1 Corinth. 11:11-12. Jeremiah 23:5-6; and 33:14-16.

LIFE OF THE BODY: Life of the Body (immortality in the physical nature) is what Adam fell from, and is the end product of the teaching of Jesus Christ for His brethren of the family of Israel reserved for the time of the end. John 6:47-51; and 57-58; John 8:51-53; Romans 8:23; 1 Thess. 5:23.

Enoch (priest) and Elijah (Levite) are living witnesses, and are the characters in the parable of the Good Samaritan, along with Jesus, the Good Samaritan. Matthew 24:22; Romans 8:1-2; John 11:25-26; Zechariah 13:8-9; Isaiah 38:18-19.

CELIBACY: Celibacy is a means to an end, which is the purification of the physical body, an abstinence from all the deceiving and destructive desires and lusts to the flesh.  Matthew 19:11-12; Revelation 14:3-4; 1 Peter 2:11-12; 1 Thess. 4:3-5; Colossians 3:1-5; Galatians 5:16-18 and 24; 1 Corinth. 6:13; 1 Corinth. 7:28-29 and 32. The purification of the body will restore the generative power to bring forth "fruit unto God" Romans 7:4-5; Song of Solomon 6:6; Isaiah 54:1

TIME OF THE END: The Time of the End is written upon in many places throughout Old and New Testaments. The end of the fallen world as the beginning of the New, or Christ's reign on earth; the restoration of Eden to the earth:  Revelation 11:15; Matthew 24:37-39; Matthew 13:37-43; Daniel 9:16-19; Daniel 12; 9-10; Habakkuk 2:3; Micah chapter 4; Matthew 5:5; Malachi Chapter 4.  We do not believe the earth will be destroyed in the last days and with the great judgments. As in the days of Noah, there will be a chosen (elect) number carried over to "replenish the earth". These are not by chance, but the very chosen characters to which Christ comes with anointing for to become the parents of a new and purely Eden creation. The Ark is Christ (life boat) and the act of the Passover will bring a visible salvation to His Bride/Church of the First-born. The time of the end is a time in which the end will gradually take place; and the world shall be given a pharaoh's heart to go on ignoring the famines, wars, disasters and great and frequent storms.

WOMEN IN THE CHURCH: Women in the Church is a fundamental doctrine that was particular to the Seventh Church. The teaching is that the Godhead is both male and female (Elohim) and that the messenger to bring in the new creation of GOD (Revelation 3:14) was to be of that Divine order. Thus in 1903 women could vote and hold office in the Israelite House of David; there were equal numbers of Board and Pillars of the Church, male and female from the beginning. We see from Scripture that women are not excluded from divine inspiration nor from faithful works in God. There are a number of Scriptural references to the prominence of women: Revelation 19: 7-9; Luke 15:8; Micah 4:8; Song of Solomon 6:9-10; Psalms 45:6-17; Zephaniah 3:12-20; Revelation 12:1.

The quotations from Saint Paul's epistles concerning women in the Church as to silence, usurping, and not to teach must not be confused with the equal availability of women having revelations, annunciations and divine leadings. It must be taken within the context that, the man is not without the woman, IN THE LORD; and that marriage is a divine institution that takes the two in flesh and makes them one. Either part of this wholeness (oneness) can be the recipient of revelations; this is a "great Mystery" concerning Christ and the Church (bridegroom and bride) Ephesians 5: 23-33.

SHILOH: The name appears numerous times in the Old Testament, because of its significance as the first gathering place for all of Israel after they crossed Jordan to possess the land of Canaan. Both Richard Brothers and Joanna were given the communication that Israel would be again gathered together under that name in the latter day. Genesis 49:10 and Joshua 18:1 All of the Messengers of the Seven Churches used Shiloh as the name of the gathering Spirit for the scattered and lost tribes of Israel, and would serve as a common denominator which all of the 144,000 (from among the family of Israel) would recognize and follow.

SEVENTH MESSENGER: The Seventh Messenger is spoken of specifically in both 10th and 11th chapters of Revelation, and in these 2 chapters it shows that they would "finish the mystery of Godliness"; that the gathering would not take place during their time; that they would prophesy for a given time; that they would be taken away after their physical work was complete; they would be given power to return; and then the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, verse 11:15 of chapter 11.

NAZARITE LAW: In the 6th chapter of the Book of Numbers, the Nazarite Law is given, which shows that the vow of a Nazarite (separate ones) was pure holiness to God for whatever time that was committed to by the aspirant. The vow had a visible aspect of not cutting any hair during the time of the vow; to do so was defilement. The town of Nazareth was named after this Israelite sect and Jesus not only grew up there but was known as a Nazarene, Matthew 2:23. Jesus' attire was the simple frock of the Nazarite order and the uncut hair, by which means the Samaritan woman at the well knew that he was a Jew.

CLOTHING: There has never been a code of clothing in the Israelite House of David; all individuals are expected according to their profession of faith and adult maturity, to dress appropriately for their responsibilities.

Perfumes, adornments, make-up cosmetics, and sexually attractive clothing, have no place for performance here.  Most of the Sisters wore dresses below the knees as an acceptable manner of appearance.

WORSHIP: The Lord's Prayer is the simple and complete directive. The working in care is the act of prayer: the actual prayer. Worship is not confined to the silent dialogue between the individual and God; the most important part of worship is the daily practice of what you profess. Lay up for yourselves treasure in Heaven, for where your heart is, there will your treasure be also. We cannot deceive the One who authored us, nor can we in any way impress Him.

RELIGION AND TRUTH (representation and substance): The Israelite Faith is one that seeks a reality and substance of what it teaches. Ceremonies, rituals, and representational exhibits of the True Spirit are only substitutes for the thing itself. There are many gifts of the Spirit, it is the Spirit, or substance, from which all gifts proceed, that we are to seek, i.e. with baptismal ceremony, confession and repentance comes from the heart whether there be water or not; and if the heart is not sincere, the water is of none effect. Religions come from private interpretations of the Divine Scripture; The Spirit of Truth rightly divides and leads into ALL truth, where no ceremonial representation is needed or necessary.

ANTI-CHRIST AND SECOND COMING: There are three things about the Second Coming and its opposition:

    1. Nothing can stop the return of Christ;

    2. Nothing can change the time or manner of its event;

    3. All will take a position for or against this Second Advent, according to their stand in heaven.

So strong will be the imitation of the real thing, that even the very elect would be deceived, if it were possible. Matthew 24:24.

The Spirit of Truth will be given to those who are heirs according to the Promise given after the War in Heaven.

GARDEN OF EDEN: There are written 3 distinct characters in the garden dialog, representing the 3 classes in Eden's original bliss; all coming from the 2 orders of the generations of the heavens and of the earth. Adam and Eve, The Lord God, and the serpent. The Law of the Spirit of Life (Sabbath) that governed the heavenly estate of Eden, is the same that will be observed in its restoration. The transformation and deceivings that provoked the transgression (which sin brought death into the world) are apparent again at the end times to resist the restoration of Eden, as it originally led in the persuasions that transformed, altered and overturned Eden.

So popular and powerful is the transformation and corruption of Truth that John 16:2; 2 Peter 2:1-2; Luke 21:17 will be fulfilled accordingly.

FREEDOM: Freedom is mostly associated with a right in democratic societies. In Christian community freedom is the product of successfully performed responsibilities. As with the master of any profession, who can successfully perform the most with the least effort. So it first requires a dedication and consistent observance of the necessary daily disciplines that give the desired freedoms of ability to perform whatsoever task. Disciplines are the exercise of love in giving one the freedom to perform as would be desired.

There are numerous levels of both freedoms and bondage throughout history and in everyday life. The highest freedom is given in Romans 8:2, which is the teaching of Jesus Christ, and the substance of the governing law in Eden, in its origin and for its restoration. The Spirit of Truth/Comforter (John 16:13-15, 14:16-17) is given at the end time for this very purpose of instruction into all truth: John 31-36.

EQUALITY: Equality is often thought of and referenced to man-made documents that set forth that all men are created equal. This is contrary to all of the entire texts of the Holy Scriptures. The Bible is consistent in describing all of the different classes and orders of God's diverse universe, and that all should be made alive, but every man after his own order.

There is equality emphatically shown also throughout the same inspired writ. You must reap according to what you have sown; everything to bring forth after its own kind; with God there is no respect of persons; are all aspects of the same equality. Everyone, regardless of religious belief, nationality, race, or social/political affiliation, is guilty before God, if he/she breaks the least commandment. No exceptions.

There are two very basic, primary equalities that underlie all of Scripture:

    1. The wages of sin is /equals death. (Romans 6:23)

    2. To be spiritually minded is life and peace (Romans 8:6 + 8:13)


……if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.


There is only one problem: Deviation from God.

There is only one solution: Reconciliation with God.

As you reap what you sow, you become what you are.

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