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For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. 1 Timothy 2:3-6

My little children, these things write I unto you that you sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; And he is the propitiation for our sins; and not ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:1

Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. John 1:29

BENJAMIN PURNELL: God does not view man through your evil, but knew you before the foundation of the world. 12-1 1907

God has a blessing for the whole creation 5-31, 1907

The election and grace is to save all men in their order. 11-29 1907

The fall is a reality; and was intended to raise man with knowledge. 2-5 1909

Confession of evils and then doing them no more is the foundation of righteousness. 2-5 1909

Sin not imputed to the old world because of the atonement. 2-19 1909

We believe He is a universal God= Savior of all men; especially of those that believe. 4-11 1909

Not God's will that man live forever in sin. But it is His will that they turn from sin and live. 4-11 1909

"The Order of Melchizedek made the Light teachable." Mary Purnell.

The Old Testament fathers, prophets and heroes were the carriers of the seed of promise. They were the family chosen to experience the extra-ordinary, that we now call the scriptures (histories) that illuminate the hand of God within and throughout His creation.

This Word made flesh, after the divine image of the Father and Mother is the substance of all the prophetic scriptures and for which all scriptures were written and held as sacredly divine; teaching the promised restoration of the Word in flesh to recreate the Eden condition in the flesh, upon this earth.

In Christ shall ALL be made alive, but every man in his own order.1 Corinthians 15: 22-23.
There is a salvation for all, and a special salvation for believers: 1 Timothy 4:10

Under the voice of the seventh angel messenger, at this latter-day, is the unsealing of the Revelation given to John. Finishing the mystery of God as declared to his servants, the prophets. The revealing of mysteries, sealed from the world: even the Spirit of Truth, will once again bring on the great opposition and War in Heaven.
2 Timothy chapter 3

The following excerpts, taken from the 4 books of The Seven Baskets of Fragments, listed below show deeper levels of both understanding and prophecy concerning the several important understandings of the faith of the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ, "who will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." In Abraham: I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give thy seed all these countries; AND IN THY SEED SHALL ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED. Genesis 26:4

These "fragments" are not given in any order of theme but as they appear in these recordings dated from June,1906 through April,1909; inner court meetings delivered by the seventh messenger, Mary and Benjamin Purnell.

God does not fight his creation.

Christ creator of all souls, deliverer of souls.

If not born blind, cannot have eyes opened.

When raised in resurrection, raised with knowledge, therefore God is glorified.

Made sinners to show God's power in the end.

God used evil for good. Fallen angels raised with knowledge.

Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.

To cast out devils is to be raised with knowledge.

Great love to bring this world back spiritual bodies (angels in resurrection)

If no fall, no love of God could be manifest.

Satan, when overcome, a shadow that liveth not.

A lie not real, is a shadow and not substance. And so is satan.

Satan never discouraged and will prove every prevailing Israelite.

Each will get their heart's desire, which is just.

Truth is substance, a lie is a shadow.

Truth will not take flesh without substance, which is faith.

Everything that was a shadow (not substance) had to be done in the old world.

Eve deceived by truth transformed.

Through all difficulties do not take revenge.

Nothing accomplished by fear.

Trials are to prove who will enter in.

Prevailing Jacobs with God look not to their own strength.

Satan says make all equal.

No good for kingdom of God if do not experience dark places.

Tests will come to see which kingdom you want.

If cannot get to first cause, how can you find a remedy; therefore a mystery.

God intends to overthrow the wisdom of the wise by insignificant, dried-up looking people.

If no fall, no necessity of an awakening.

Through the fall we appreciate the power of God in resurrection.

It takes two powers to prove Israel.

All must believe and repent at some place.

Looks over sins and pleads with you until strength given.

Latter rain comes in clouds. If fear clouds, will sink like Peter.

If scriptures not sealed, what need of Spirit of Truth to lead and guide.

Through weakness, nature of the flesh, we are made strong.

If we are to inherit all things, what do we lose or give up ?

Nothing sorrowful about the kingdom; no sad thing: love, joy and peace.

Faith destroys fear. As in the case of Daniel,

Heaven is a condition in the Spirit of Christ.

All spirits belong to God, satan cannot create anything.

Must be tried without power because you know what is right and what is wrong.

Secret-whatsoever you do, do it only for the honor and glory of God.

To tell what you are ashamed of is what takes away the trouble.

Those who are not of a forgiving spirit are not of Christ.

God does not view man through the evil, for He created it.

No railing upon old world because the new could not come except through the old.

Be as Gods knowing good and evil shows they came up through a world of evil.

As there are two powers, conflict must take place to show God's power.

They that give up all things, obtain all things.

Israel will be tried in a way that will knock out everything contrary to God.

Seek to be on the watch and serve without hope of reward.

After getting the nine virtues, to those there is no law.

Deceive the nations no more means those going before have been deceived.

Love to bring an end to hell on earth.

None will escape the preparation=love and charity to suffer no evil upon your brother.

Simple child-like faith will do the work.

Storms of adversity will beat upon the rock on which the church is built.

Law of Christ surmounts all difficulties; love brethren before self.

2 kinds of love. One destroys and one heals and gives life.

Darkness only a shadow-remove object which casts the shadow, and light will come.

Necessary to understand the mystery of iniquity in order to know the rise.

If no fall no necessity of a promise.

Be thankful to follow him in his rejection.

Rough places made smooth according to your willingness.

It is better that you have been a sinner that you may be raised with knowledge.

Cannot fail to love brother as yourself if you get into the visitation.

Pass from death unto life because ye love the brethren.

Satan prince of Israel that you may overcome him.

The spirit that leadeth, goeth far beyond the written word.

Benjamin to be accused of everything the old world is guilty of.

Ingathering to be prepared by a few.

Efficacy of blood is love: mercy for those who lose body and become angels.

Looks like a black cloud but satan is not yet woke up to his greatest wrath.

No way of escape visible, yet they shall escape.

Abraham's trial a beautiful type of our cleansing now.

Hell is in heaven until cast out.

God does not condemn us, we come under our own condemnation for acting contrary to light.

Comes again a second time to a people who are without sin; foolish to talk of Christ being without sin, for everyone knows that.

Law is that everyone must manifest themselves.

God does not make creatures and then come down to fight with them.

No matter how foolish some may seem it is no license to persecute.

True Israelites will always be looking for the trouble in themselves.

Cut off evil too soon and you cut off your own source of knowledge.

Always keep the fire kindling = deny yourself daily.

Do not lie about a thing through fear. Never fear to tell the truth if it is against you. Lest it hold you in bondage.

It matters not what you have done if you give it up.

The Law broken that brought the fall, if kept, will bring the rise.

Awful iniquity to rejoice in another's downfall; a spirit of the just will always be willing to lift them up and set them on their own beast.

Give me your heart is the secret of all things.

Israel to overcome all things, therefore must have all things to prove an Israelite.

Perfected creation of angels, so they will not fall again. So even the fall a good thing. There would be no creation of angels nor lamb slain without it.

If called to ingathering you are called on trial.

Many things in ingathering; Jews, gentiles, Philistines, scorpions, Judases and devils. But devils are not to be cast out until their work is done.

Must have all kinds of lessons and people to prepare the foundation.

Sons are chastened, even Jesus did not escape.

God will do the work for us but he wants a people who will never give up.

Great lingering about the foundation in preparation; great wisdom, else how could we handle the great rush.

Foolish for God to make man and not be able to protect him.

God likes soldiers that hold on and fight to the end.

If devil and his angels did not come in how could they be cast out ?

Body given as it pleases Him---all satisfied, else not heavenly.

Don't know if you are in the faith until tested.

Get used to your temptations, not run away.

If Adam had not fallen no scriptures would be necessary.

Whole mystery of the kingdom of God is within you.

Doesn't matter how many disbelieve, they cannot stop the work. As in the days of Noah.

Whole creation will have some sort of resurrection, but not all alike.

Not to fear God for his hardness, but fear to offend His loving kindness.

God is well pleased in loving obedience, not miracles.

When God has found obedience, he can easily give you all the wisdom you need.

Not a question if this or that is wrong, but that you get yourself right.

It is an easy thing to set forth a form or ceremony, but the Word must be ingrafted into us and grow in us.

Israelites cannot be tried and proven except by unjust things.

Gideon's army must be found and battle fought by a few.

David a type of Israel who in due time take the throne after long faithfulness.

To please God is a wonderful thing to understand.

No true Sabbath in old world. Israel worship everyday alike in preparation for the real Sabbath.

Now if scripture was destroyed and we had the Spirit of Truth, wouldn't that be sufficient ?

Israel will go through calamities first.

Will be many trials and sufferings to see if Israel will remain with Him in the garden of suffering.

Love thy brother as thyself shows the commonwealth of Israel.

Promise to him that endureth to the end-shows there will be something to endure.

Seems to be God's plan to have great harvest and few laborers.

You keep the commandments through love of the visitation given to you, not your own love.

Must love your enemies if want to love Christ.

The election and atonement (grace) is to save all men in their order.

Israel inclined to want to be in favor with the world, but according to visitation we must be brought down a great deal----even to be the greatest stink upon the planet.

Substance can only be obtained by earnest seekers. Not obtained all at once, for satan combats-as Daniel was withstood for many days.

No man can depend on his own strength. Ministering spirits are prepared to help.

Truth gives you a freedom that cannot be taken away.

Two kinds of famine: Word and food will come on; and Israel will be touched by judgments as well.

If not chastened...not a son.

The elect only draw closer by persecution, no matter how black.

It takes darkness to make manifest the light.

Person not going to get a thing he does not want; and if he wants it, he will work for it.

The love of God is the only thing that will bind Israel together.

If we did not know every particular of the mystery of iniquity, then we could never understand immortal life, nor be raised up out of the fall.

Man could not be proven by one power, so there are two.

We do not hear of Jesus complaining at the driving of the nails, but at the withdrawing of the spirit.

The scriptures to be fulfilled in us means something; if you call life and death something.

It is a heart work; and if thus founded, nothing can shake you.

Some battles appear to be lost to sift Israel-but there is no council against God, who brings it out right in the end.

Confession of evils, then doing them no more is the foundation of righteousness.

Giving up belongings is not giving up, giving up stubborn self will is giving up.

Sin not imputed to the old world by reason of atonement. 2 Corinthians 5

If you refuse to bear unjust things, you refuse the kingdom of God.

Everything brings forth of its own kind unless there is a grafting. If grafted into Christ, will bring forth fruits of Christ.

When there only a few in the House of David that fear nothing but the evil, then the work will go on.

The third overturn will take place in Israel before it strikes the world.

Mary and Benjamin Purnell, 1895-1953

Mary and Benjamin Purnell, 1895-1953, Mary and Benjamin would become followers of James Jezreel in the late 1880s from their home in Richmond, Indiana.  They would be enjoined to the Michael Mills Commune in Detroit, Michigan around 1891-2, and were commissioned as traveling preachers, canvassing literature of the New and Latter House of Israel until March of 1895.

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